Monday, August 12, 2013

Haleighanna's Hands Presents Florilegium

Buttons, buttons, buttons!
I go to yarn stores...a lot. When I travel, I visit at least one yarn store. I've been to yarn stores in London, New York, Edinburgh, Los Angeles and more. I know it's a little weird to most people (including my ever patient husband), but I enjoy seeing the colors, touching the textures, and adding to my yarn stash.

But, the most fabulous yarn store that I have ever seen is located right in my own hometown. Florilegium is located in Parkville, Missouri across from English Landing Park. Gretchen Nutt, owner and "curator", is one of the coolest, encouraging and kindest people I know. Every customer who walks in there gets exactly what they need, whether it is advice, technical expertise, or just a little solitude. I could go on and on, but I think I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking.

As you walk in, there is a wall of buttons and beads.

Even the lighting is a feast for the eyes.

Drawer after drawer of yarn hanks.

One of the great things about Florilegium is that it is like a mini textile museum.
A quiet place to sit and knit or dream.

Gretchen's displays are beautiful and hard to resist.

Silk ribbon anyone?

Did I mention that Florilegium carries yarn?

A lot of yarn?

Florilegium is one of the things I will miss most about Kansas City. The store is an inspiration (as is Gretchen). I may be able to get the same yarn someone near my new home, but I know I won't be able to hear Gretchen's voice telling me how to do a Kitchener stitch or telling me to "never, never give up on your dreams."

To learn more about Florilegium, stop by the store. If you can't drop in, then visit their new website at

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