Monday, December 3, 2012

Small but Hopeful

For a long time now I have told the people in my life that small steps is the way to achieve anything. This is truly a great idea. It sounds really good. Living it is an entirely different matter.

The irony is that I am an impatient person. It has always been that way. Small steps--okay--maybe if I can take them all at one time.

Starting my own small business has given me a new perspective on smallness. Last Saturday, I was at a holiday show organized by a friend of mine. She's out of work and was needed a way to make a little cash. So, she put the holiday show together at a local American Legion hall.

When I got to the event, I found 20 other vendors who are trying to do the same thing. All of these women (these types of small businesses seems to be more of a chick thing) have a need to build something for themselves.

Not only is there a need or desire, there is hope and optimism and faith. They live out the idea of small steps. Every paint stroke, every crochet stitch, every photo is a simple, physical act that there is something good on the horizon, something out there worth moving toward. Not now but out in the near or even distant future.

In my impatience, I need to remember that I am one of them. Hope, optimism, and faith live alongside doubt and impatience and disappointment. Every time I finish an item, write a blog, or bother my friends with yet another Facebook post that shows another product on my Etsy store, I am expressing hope and faith.

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